OWASP Top 10

The OWASP Top 10 is a standard awareness document for developers and web application security. It represents a broad consensus about the most critical security risks to web applications.

1. Injection

Injection flaws are very common in applications today. These flaws occur because user controlled input is interpreted as actual commands or parameters by the application.

Some common examples include:

  • SQL Injection: This occurs when user controlled input is passed to SQL queries. As a result, an attacker can pass in SQL queries to manipulate the outcome of such queries.

  • Command Injection: This occurs when user input is passed to system commands. As a result, an attacker is able to execute arbitrary system commands on application servers.

The main defence for preventing injection attacks is ensuring that user controlled input is not interpreted as queries or commands. There are different ways of doing this:

  • Using an allow list: when input is sent to the server, this input is compared to a list of safe input or characters. If the input is marked as safe, then it is processed. Otherwise, it is rejected and the application throws an error.

  • Stripping input: If the input contains dangerous characters, these characters are removed before they are processed.

Active Command Injection

Blind command injection occurs when the system command made to the server does not return the response to the user in the HTML document. Active command injection will return the response to the user. It can be made visible through several HTML elements.

2. Broken Authentication

Authentication and session management constitute core components of modern web applications. A user would enter these credentials, the server would verify them. If they are correct, the server would then provide the users’ browser with a session cookie. A session cookie is needed because web servers use HTTP(S) to communicate which is stateless. Attaching session cookies means that the server will know who is sending what data. The server can then keep track of users' actions.

Some common flaws in authentication mechanisms include:

  • Brute force attacks : If a web application uses usernames and passwords, an attacker is able to launch brute force attacks that allow them to guess the username and passwords using multiple authentication attempts.

  • Use of weak credentials : web applications should set strong password policies. If applications allow users to set passwords such as ‘password1’ or common passwords, then an attacker is able to easily guess them and access user accounts. They can do this without brute forcing and without multiple attempts.

  • Weak Session Cookies : Session cookies are how the server keeps track of users. If session cookies contain predictable values, an attacker can set their own session cookies and access users’ accounts.

There can be various mitigation for broken authentication mechanisms depending on the exact flaw:

  • To avoid password guessing attacks, ensure the application enforces a strong password policy.

  • To avoid brute force attacks, ensure that the application enforces an automatic lockout after a certain number of attempts. This would prevent an attacker from launching more brute force attacks.

  • Implement Multi Factor Authentication - If a user has multiple methods of authentication, for example, using username and passwords and receiving a code on their mobile device, then it would be difficult for an attacker to get access to both credentials to get access to their account.

3. Sensitive Data Exposure

When a webapp accidentally divulges sensitive data, we refer to it as "Sensitive Data Exposure". This is often data directly linked to customers (e.g. names, dates-of-birth, financial information, etc), but could also be more technical information, such as usernames and passwords.

At more complex levels this often involves techniques such as a "Man in The Middle Attack"

Database exposure to a public user directory may be example of this vulnerability.

5. Broken Access Control

Websites have pages that are protected from regular visitors, for example only the site's admin user should be able to access a page to manage other users.

Broken access control allows attackers to bypass authorization which can allow them to view sensitive data or perform tasks as if they were a privileged user.

A regular visitor being able to access protected pages, can lead to the following:

  • Being able to view sensitive information

  • Accessing unauthorized functionality


  1. The application uses unverified data in a SQL call that is accessing account information:

    • pstmt.setString(1, request.getParameter("acct"));
      ResultSet results = pstmt.executeQuery();
    • An attacker simply modifies the ‘acct’ parameter in the browser to send whatever account number they want. If not properly verified, the attacker can access any user’s account.

      • http://example.com/app/accountInfo?acct=notmyacct

  2. An attacker simply force browses to target URLs. Admin rights are required for access to the admin page.

    • http://example.com/app/getappInfo http://example.com/app/admin_getappInfo

    • If an unauthenticated user can access either page, it’s a flaw. If a non-admin can access the admin page, this is a flaw.

6. Security Misconfiguration

Security Misconfigurations are distinct from the other Top 10 vulnerabilities, because they occur when security could have been configured properly but was not.

Security misconfigurations include:

  • Poorly configured permissions on cloud services, like S3 buckets

  • Having unnecessary features enabled, like services, pages, accounts or privileges

  • Default accounts with unchanged passwords

  • Error messages that are overly detailed and allow an attacker to find out more about the system

  • Not using HTTP security headers, or revealing too much detail in the Server: HTTP header

This vulnerability can often lead to more vulnerabilities, such as default credentials giving you access to sensitive data, XXE or command injection on admin pages.

8. Insecure Deserialization

Insecure deserialization is replacing data processed by an application with malicious code; allowing anything from DoS (Denial of Service) to RCE (Remote Code Execution) that the attacker can use to gain a foothold in a pentesting scenario.


A prominent element of object-oriented programming (OOP), objects are made up of two things:

  • State

  • Behaviour


Serialisation is the process of converting objects used in programming into simpler, compatible formatting for transmitting between systems or networks for further processing or storage.

Alternatively, deserialisation is the reverse of this; converting serialised information into their complex form - an object that the application will understand.


Cookies are an essential tool for modern websites to function. Tiny pieces of data, these are created by a website and stored on the user's computer.

Cookies are not permanent storage solutions like databases. Some cookies such as session ID's will clear when the browser is closed, others, however, last considerably longer. This is determined by the "Expiry" timer that is set when the cookie is created.

Some Attributes of Cookies

  • Cookie Name (required)

  • Cookie Value (required)

  • Secure Only -- If set, this cookie will only be set over HTTPS connections (not required)

  • Expiry (not required)

  • Path -- The cookie will only be sent if the specified URL is within the request (not required)

9. Components with Known Vulnerabilities

Occasionally, you may find that the company/entity that you're pen-testing is using a program that already has a well documented vulnerability.

For example, let's say that a company hasn't updated their version of WordPress for a few years, and using a tool such as wpscan, you find that it's version 4.6. Some quick research will reveal that WordPress 4.6 is vulnerable to an unauthenticated remote code execution(RCE) exploit, and even better you can find an exploit already made on exploit-db.

10. Insufficent Logging & Monitoring

When web applications are set up, every action performed by the user should be logged. Logging is important because in the event of an incident, the attackers actions can be traced. Once their actions are traced, their risk and impact can be determined.

The bigger impacts of these include:

  • regulatory damage: if an attacker has gained access to personally identifiable user information and there is no record of this, not only are users of the application affected, but the application owners may be subject to fines or more severe actions depending on regulations.

  • risk of further attacks: without logging, the presence of an attacker may be undetected. This could allow an attacker to launch further attacks against web application owners by stealing credentials, attacking infrastructure and more.

The information stored in logs should include:

  • HTTP status codes

  • Time Stamps

  • Usernames

  • API endpoints/page locations

  • IP addresses

These logs do have some sensitive information on them so its important to ensure that logs are stored securely and multiple copies of these logs are stored at different locations.

The ideal case is having monitoring in place to detect any suspicious activity. The aim of detecting this suspicious activity is to either stop the attacker completely or reduce the impact they've made if their presence has been detected much later than anticipated. Common examples of suspicious activity includes:

  • multiple unauthorised attempts for a particular action (usually authentication attempts or access to unauthorised resources e.g. admin pages)

  • requests from anomalous IP addresses or locations: while this can indicate that someone else is trying to access a particular user's account, it can also have a false positive rate.

  • use of automated tools: particular automated tooling can be easily identifiable e.g. using the value of User-Agent headers or the speed of requests. This can indicate an attacker is using automated tooling.

  • common payloads: in web applications, it's common for attackers to use Cross Site Scripting (XSS) payloads. Detecting the use of these payloads can indicate the presence of someone conducting unauthorised/malicious testing on applications.

Last updated