5. Terraform Files


  • This folder gets created whenever our provider is initialized using terraform init


  • It represents all the states in terraform

  • It keep tracks of all the changes of the resources

  • It is crucial for the functionality of terraform

  • It can contain sensitive information in plain text like passwords hence it should not be checked out in vesion control system

  • We should use Terraform Cloud or self managed services like AWS S3 to store state files encrypted

Local Backend

  • State file is stored locally

  • Uncollaborative

  • Unencrypted sensitive data

  • Manual approach

Remote Backend

  • State file is stored remotely

  • Collaboration possible

  • Sensitive data encrypted

  • Automation possible

    • We can setup pipelines

  • Increased complexity

Sample configuration for Terraform Cloud

Free upto five users

terraform {
  backend "remote" {
    organization = "xyz"

  workspaces {
    name = "my-project"

Sample configuration for AWS

  • S3 used to store state file

  • DynamoDB used for locking in race condition

terraform {
  backend "s3" {
    bucket = "my-bucket"
	  key = "tf-infra/terraform.tfstate"
	  region = "us-east-1"
	  dynamodb-table = "terraform-state-locking"
	  encrypt = true

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