

It is a operations tool that provides

  1. IT automation

  2. Configuration management

  3. Automatic deployment

Push/Pull Architecture

Pull Architecture

  • Nodes check with the server periodically and fetch the configurations from it

  • Examples are Chef & Puppet

  • Requires clients to be installed on the nodes i.e Master/Slave architecture

Push Architecture

  • Server pushes configuration via ansible modules (small programs) to the nodes

  • Ansible uses the push architecture

  • It uses agentless approach since it uses SSH to deploy the configuration on the nodes

  • We can also use custom authentication protocols like Kerberos via plugins

Ansible Architecture

  • Have a Local Machine where Ansible is installed

  • Nodes are the systems to be configured. They are controlled by the local machine

  • Module is collection of configuration files

  • Inventory is a document that groups the nodes under specific labels

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