9. Terraform Variables

Input Variables

We can define input variables in the config file as follows

variable "subnet_prefix" {
  description = "cidr block for the subnet"
  default = ""
  type = string
  • Accessed as var.<name>

  • default value like name suggests is the default value when we don't assign any value to it

  • type = any means any data type is accepted

    • We can also use lists type or list of objects


Order of precedence // lowest -> highest

  1. If we dont specify any value, it will ask us for input while running terraform apply.

  2. Second is the default value in declaration block

  3. TF_VAR_<name> environment variable

  4. Best way is to use a seperate file for variables with name terraform.tfvars

    • We can assign values in that file like

    • subnet_prefix = ""
      avail_zone = "eu-west-1"
    • If you want to use other file like example.tfvars, you have to specify it while applying config like terraform apply -var-file example.tfvars

  5. *.auto.tfvars file

  6. Command line arguments to enter the value of the variables like terraform apply -var "subnet_prefix=" or -var-file

Local Variables

We can define local variables in the config file as follows

locals {
  service_name = "My Service"
  owner = "NomanAziz"
  • Can be accessed as local.<name>

  • Temporary variables within the scope of the function


Primitive Types

  1. string

  2. number

  3. bool

Complex Types

  1. list(<TYPE>)

  2. set(<TYPE>)

  3. map(<TYPE>)

  4. object({ <ATTR NAME> = <TYPE>, ... })

  5. tuple([<TYPE>, ...])

Sensitive Data

Mark variables as sensitive


Pass to terraform apply with

  • TV_VAR_variable

  • -var (retrieved from secret manager at runtime)

Can also use external secret store

  • AWS Secrets manager

Last updated