2. K8s Architecture

Node Processes

  • Each Node has multiple Pods in it

  • Worker Nodes do the actual work

  • 3 processes must be installed on every Node

    1. Container Runtime

      • Docker or other technology

    2. Kublet

      • Interacts with both container and node

      • It starts the pod with a container inside

    3. Kube proxy

      • Forwards the requests between nodes

Master Processes

  • 4 processes must be installed on every master node which controls cluster state and worker nodes

    1. API Server

      • Could be UI, API, CLI, Kubectl)

      • Acts as cluster gateway

      • Acts as gatekeeper for authentication

    2. Scheduler

      • API Server after validation of request hands over the request to scheduler

      • It just decides on which node new pod should be scheduled based on current resources of nodes

      • Kublet is the actual component which does the scheduling after getting request form scheduler

    3. Controller Manager

      • Detec cluster state changes like dying of podes

      • It makes a request to scheduler to restart the pod

    4. etcd

      • It is the cluster brain

      • cluster changes get stored in the key value store

      • application data is not stored in etcd

  • On multiple master nodes

    • API server is load balanced

    • etcd forms distributed storage across all master nodes

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