1. Main K8s Components


  • Smallest unit of K8s

  • Abstraction over container

  • Usually 1 application per Pod

  • Each Pod gets its own IP address

  • New IP address on re-creation

    • E.g, DB dies and new DB is created which will get new IP address

  • Permanant IP address

    • Can be attached to each pod

  • Lifecycle of Pod and Service are not connected

    • If Pod dies then service and its ip remains

External Service

  • Service which is accessible externally using url

  • Format of url is http://ip:port

Internal Service

  • Service which should not be accessible externally

  • Have same format of url http://ip:port


  • Solves the problem of having static ip, port and protocol assigned to external services

  • Assigns a domain name and certificate to requests

  • Acts as a reverse proxy

ConfigMap & Secret


Problem :-

  • Suppose DB url was configured inside my-app and its image was built and pushed to dockerhub

  • Now, the DB url gets changed and image must be modified, rebuilt and pushed to dockerhub then pulled into pod and restart

Solution :-

  • Thats where ConfigMap comes in, we can store such external configuration of our app and attach it to the pod.


  • Works to solve similar problem as ConfigMap

  • ConfigMap stores configuration in plain text format so it should not be used to store secrets such as username, passwords, etc.

  • Secret should be used instead

  • Things are stored in base64 encoded format

  • Built in security mechanism is not enabled by default

  • Used for data storage, same concept as docker since k8s does not manage data persistance

  • Storage can be on local machine or remote storage outside of k8s cluster

Deployment & StatefulSet

Deployment (Replication)

  • Solves the problem of single point of failure

    • In case Pod dies

  • We replication everything on another node for fault tolerance or load balancer

  • Replica is connected to same service

  • We don't create another pod but define blueprint for pods

  • It is an abstraction layer on top of pods.

  • In practice deployment is used instead of pods.

  • DBs can't be replicated via deployment

    • Because database has a state

    • To avoid data inconsistencies

  • Should be used for StateLess apps


  • Solves the DB replication problem of Deployment

  • Should be used for StateFul apps or Databases

  • Deploying StatefulSet is not easy

  • DBs are often hosted outside of K8s cluster

Layers of Abstraction

Last updated