2. Solidity Basics
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// Specify solidity version here
// ^ means any version greater than specified one will work
// >=0.8.7 <0.9.0
pragma solidity ^0.8.7;
// EVM, Ethereum Virtual Machine
// We can deploy solidity code to all evm compatible blockchains
// Avalanche, Fantom, Polygon
contract SimpleStorage {
// boolean, uint, int, string, address, bytes
// This gets initialized to zero!
uint256 public favNumber;
function store(uint256 _favNumber) public {
favNumber = _favNumber;
// 1. public : visible externally and internally, creates a getter ftn for storage/state vars
// 2. private : only visible in current contract, not visible in derived contracts
// 3. external : only for ftns | only accessible externally not within contracts | can only be called internally via `this.ftn`
// 4. internal : only visible internally or derived contracts. They cannot be accessed externally. (default visibility)
// 1. view : ensure they read something from the blockchain state and do not modify
// 2. pure : ensure they they disallow you to read or modify from blockchains state
// Note that if a gas calling ftn calls view or pure ftn - then it will cost gas
function getOnePlusOne() public pure returns(uint256) {
// People public person = People({favNum: 2, name: "Joe"});
struct People {
uint256 favNum;
string name;
// 1. dynamic array
// 2. fixed size array
People[] public people;
function addPerson(string memory _name, uint256 _favNumber) public {
// People memory newPerson = People({favNum: _favNumber, name: _name});
// people.push(newPerson);
// People memory newPerson = People(_favNumber, _name);
// people.push(newPerson);
people.push(People(_favNumber, _name));
// Places you can store and access data
// 1. calldata : variable only exists temporarily inside ftn | can be modified
// 2. memory : variable only exists temporarily inside ftn | can't be modified
// 3. storage : also exists outside function scope | default type | permenant vars that can be modified | can't be put as ftn params
// These are only required for array, struct or mapping types
// Others
// 4. code
// 5. logs
// 6. stack
Last updated