5. K8s Namespaces
Organize resources in namespaces
Virtual clusters inside k8 cluster
4 Namespaces by default
kubernetes-dashboard only with minikube
Do not create or modify in kube-system
Used by system processes
Master or kubectl processes
Publically accessible data
A configmap, which contains cluster information
heartbeats of nodes
each node has associated lease of object in namespace
determines the availability of node
resources you create are located here
Creating Namespace
Using CLI
Using Config File
Add namespace attribute in metadata.
Why to use namespace
1. Resources goruped in namespace
All resources are created in default namespace
Overtime, default namespace will be filled with different components
Difficult to overview the namespace at that time
Should not use for smaller projects
2. Conflicts: many teams, same application
Two teams use same cluster and first team deploy app named my-app, second team also uses same same of deployment, hence they override previous team deployment
Each team should use their own namespace to avoid disruption
3. Resource Sharing
Staging and Deployment
Reuse the common components in both environments like logging cluster
Blue/Green Deployment
Two different versions of production like v1 and v2
They may need to use same resources
4. Access and Resource Limits on Namespaces
We can give Team A access to their own namespace and vice versa
They can't access other team's namespace
We can also limit cpu, ram, storage resources per namespace using resource quota
Services which can't be accessed from another namespace
Since we cant access most resources from another namespace, simple things like ConfigMap and Secrets should be regenerated in each namespace causing duplication
Services which can be accessed from another namespace
Service can be accessed from another namespace
In ConfigMap definitation, the db_url will contains service name along with namespace name
Components which can't be created within namespace
Some resources live globally inside a cluster
you cant isolate them
Examples are Volumes and Nodes
Can be listed by
kubectl api-resources --namespaced=false
and vice versa
Changing Active Namespace
Last updated